Basic Info

This company is started in 2014. We have given many customer customizations by making it software. Our work is to make the customer work easy. We do our work honestly. This is our aim. Our software is very easy to use and very quick. We work in many technologies. Desktop Application, Android Application, Web Application,IOT Application

Desktop Application.

Retailer , Manufacturing , Labour Work , Production etc.

Android Application.

As per customer requirements.

Web Application.

As per customer requirements.

IOT Application.

As per customer requirements.

Simple Billing

Create a responsive video and scale it nicely to the parent element with an 16:9 aspect ratio

Simple Billing

Create a responsive video and scale it nicely to the parent element with an 16:9 aspect ratio

Desktop Application.

Retailer , Manufacturing , Labour Work , Production etc.

Android Application.

As per customer requirements.

Web Application.

As per customer requirements.

IOT Application.

As per customer requirements.


We believe in quality Work . We work with the best to get the best. And then we sell the best, for exactly the price it should cost. It’s the very simple system at the heart of everything we make.


To change the way we think about saving the time.


Our goals are tangible outcomes that will fulfill your mission.


Tomorrow-minded, knowledge is power, assume best intentions, sustainability..


Cognoza Technologies software is a program that is architected to execute and process application software development simultaneously. Therefore, we can say that it is an interface between hardware and application software.Operating System is an example of system software. Operating System manages all the other programs on a computer or mobile device. This Software is used to manage and run mobile and computer systems. It runs in the background and maintains the essential functions of the device. Due to Cognoza Technologies, higher-level application software can perform their tasks efficiently. As Cognoza Technologies software runs at the primary level in your computer and mobile, it is called low-level software. It provides a platform for application software to run on the top and interact with users.

Characteristics of Software.

  • Functionality: It refers to the suitability, accuracy, interoperability, compliance, security of software which is measured as degree of performance of the software against its intended purpose.
  • Reliability : Refers to the recoverability, fault tolerance, maturity of software, which is basically a capability of the software that provide required functionality under the given situations.
  • Efficiency : It is the ability of the software to use resources of system in the most effective and efficient manner. Software must make effective use of syetm storage and execute command as per required timing.
  • Usability : It is the extent to which the software can be utilized with ease and the amount of effort or time required to learn how to use the software.
  • Maintainability : It is the ease with which the modifications can be made in a software to extend or enhance its functionality, improve its performance, or resolve bugs.
  • Portability : It is the ease with which software developers can relaunch software from one platform to another, without (or with minimum) changes. In simple terms, software must be made in way that it should be platform independent.
  • Fast in Speed : This Software is made to be as fast as possible to provide an effective platform for higher-level software.



Manufacturing industries

Customized Android App

Customized IOT Traking System